Two books for the price of one in this post! Both of these graphic novels are fun, fast reads with great stories and great art. These books have one other thing in common -- they are both written and illustrated by Raina Telgemeier. Telgemeier has won a lot of awards for her writing and illustrations. Her distinctive style might look familiar from the graphic adaptations of the Baby-Sitter's Club books for which she is the artist.
Drama (2012)
Middle-schooler Callie is having some trouble. She is a hardworking member of the school's stage crew, but, when the Spring production comes around and she decides she might want to be on stage instead of behind the scenes, life gets complicated. This new desire to perform, the introduction of two cute brothers, and a challenging stage prop combine to create...drama
As Callie learns more about the brothers and the production draws nearer, a new world of boys and adolescent uncertainty rears its head. Callie is determined to create the best Spring show the school has ever put on. Will she make all of the props in time? Can she figure out how to create the showstopping moment she can see clearly in her mind? Will she find love on and/or off stage? Check this book out, see what you think, and let us know!
An autobiographical tale of (almost unimaginable) dental escapades. As Telgelmeier herself says in her author's note, "I've been telling people about what happened to my teeth ever since I knocked them out in sixth grade...and I found myself saying 'Wait, it gets worse!' a lot." This book traces the four-and-a-half years from when young Raina first goes to the orthodontist during sixth grade, to her final dental adjustment during her freshman year of high school.
One night while heading home from a Girl Scout meeting, Raina trips on the sidewalk, falls, and knocks out two of her teeth. As though the transition into teenager-hood wasn't enough to deal with, Raina also needs a lot of work done on her mouth. What was going to be a routine set of braces turns into a dental adventure of epic proportions. Will her teeth ever be normal again? Will the braces ever come off? Will Raina make friends when she has to go to high school? See what you think, and let us know!
NOTE: Both of these books (and the rest of our graphic novels) can be found in the non fiction section under 741.5973.
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